How to Make your Content Go Viral

Viral content is like the Holy Grail of internet marketing. Every business that markets online strives to create compelling content that inspires people everywhere to share, like and link… and it is easy to see why.

A video that goes viral can have millions, even tens of millions of views in a matter of days and if that video features your business or product, you have expanded your reach farther and faster than you could have with almost any other medium. Like the Holy Grail, however, viral content can be elusive and far less of it spreads like wildfire than we think.

The problem facing marketers then, is finding the magic formula that will make your content go viral. Unfortunately, that perfect formula doesn’t exist. But that said, there are some strategies that can drastically improve your chances of creating viral content and set you apart from your competition at the same time. Here’s my top five:

Be creative…maybe even a little crazy.

In a world full of rapidly produced and even more rapidly digested content, you have to stand out if you want to get noticed. Content that goes viral catches the eye, captures the attention, and inspires some response that motivates us to share it with others. Start with something very visual like an infographic, a video, or something else that is visually compelling and then push yourself to be more creative.

And while you’re creating, remember that It’s okay to be a little silly or outrageous if it fits with your marketing campaign… even in business. You don’t think all those movers and shakers got where they are by being boring, do you?

Tackle a Trend

One of the best ways to build your brand with viral content is to set the trend and be at the leading edge in your industry. Being seen as an industry leader bestows a certain mystique on your business and people will begin to turn to you to find out what’s next. Movers and shakers always attract more attention than the rest of the pack, which means the right content can launch your business to the next level.

Think like a User

User experience matters, period. If you have a blog that no one can find, you aren’t likely to get a lot of viral content coming out of it. If your video is poorly named or your infographic doesn’t display properly, users won’ share it and they won’t likely come back for future content either. Think like the person you want to click on your link, to share, to like, or whatever you want them to do to move your message across the internet.

Create Visual Sound Bites

Sounds a little strange to create a visual sound bite, but it can make all the difference in how many views you get and whether or not people pass your content along to others. Sound bites are easy to digest and make a big impression in a short time span. This is exactly what you need to encourage people to click and make your content go viral.

Be Real

As Sony learned several years ago, you cannot fake viral content. You also can’t push it. The biggest mistake a company can make is trying to create buzz for a bit of content in a way that comes across as deceitful or dishonest. Pretending to be someone you aren’t in order to make others believe an external party thinks your product is fabulous may take your company viral, but not with the message you want to send.