4 Things Your Company’s Website Should Have

Four Things Your Company’s Website Should Have

In today’s competitive marketplace, just having a website is no longer enough. Your prospects are inundated with information – both online and offline – and have become immune to the standard advertisements and sales copy.

As a result, it takes more than just a low price or clever gimmick to make the sale – your prospects are looking for the value your products will add to their lives. To convey that value, you have to build a relationship with your market. That means your website needs to be interactive and engaging, enticing your audience to join the online “community” you’ve built for them.

So, how do you do that? How do you build a website that will attract your target market? Here are five things your company’s website should definitely have.

1. Good Design

You may not think it matters, but studies indicate that 75% of those who visit your website will judge your entire business by how good your site looks. Think of your website the same way you think of your office or store. You know that the first impression a customer, client, or prospect has upon entering your shop makes a big difference in whether or not they chose to do business with you. Color choice, layout, organization, and intuitive navigation really matter when you have only seconds to convince a visitor to stay. Make sure your website is making the first impression you want it to make by investing in a quality design.

2. Be Mobile-Friendly

And speaking of design, the rapid adoption of mobile interfacing has changed the way your customers access your site. For the first time ever, a new customer might walk in your door because their mobile device pointed them in your direction, meaning your website not only has to be engaging… it also has to work on a variety of platforms.

3. Access to Analytics

Analytics are your company’s window into how visitors interact with your site. This data not only tells you if you’re reaching your target market, it also shows you where you could do even better. Are there pages that aren’t performing as well as you had hoped? Are there pages that seem to have a higher exit ratio than the rest? These are indicators that something needs improvement on your website.

4. Testimonials or Reviews

One of the reasons people look online for businesses is because they want to find the best match for their needs with the least amount of time and energy. Your website therefore needs to be able to convince potential customers to choose your business over others and the opinions of actual customers can do this better and faster than any words you could write. Create a section for customer testimonials or link through to an online review site and make it easier for potential customers to see why they want to do business with you.

5. A Call to Action

In order to convert visitors to customers, you need to make it very easy for them to take the next step. Whether you want them to buy something, share something, sign-up for something, or schedule something, giving them a clear path to follow will increase your conversion rate immensely.